RECIFE , Pernambuco , Brazil

Culture of Recife and Pernambuco

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Carnival in Recife

Carnival in Olinda

Nova Jerusalém Theatricalization of the last days of the life of Jesus Christ. The show is performed by famous Brazilian actors and actresses, which helps much in growing the popularity. Happens only during the weeks before Holy Week, in a city called Nova Jerusalem, distant about 160 km from Recife. Check out site.

Festas Juninas The translation of festas juninas is "Parties of June".
Three of the Saints with most devoters in Brazil are Saint Anthony (in Portuguese, Santo Antônio), Saint John (São João) and Saint Peter (São Pedro); all of them are honored in June. To celebrate, Brazilians organize parties with several folklore traditions: music, costumes, food (loads of corn are consumed, prepared in all imaginable ways) all related to Festas Juninas.
Pernambuco has one of the largest Junine celebrations in Brazil organized in the city of Caruaru (Caruaru claims their São João to be the largest in the world), about 120 km from Recife.
Read more about Festas Juninas
To learn more, visit the site
Recife Rock in Portuguese only. Rock groups in Recife. Programation of events.

Football in Recife People from Recife love football, even more than other Brazilians.