RECIFE , Pernambuco , Brazil

Recife - city tours


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Several travel agencies offer city tours around Recife and Olinda.
Some suggested visits:

»Beach of Boa Viagem

Recife Antigo

Recife Antigo (Ancient Recife) was the administrative center of the region, in colonial and imperial times. The area became decadent during the 20th century, and the proximity with the pier brought prostitution. During the 1990s, the government developed a program to refurbish the Recife Antigo (owners had incentives to restore the buildings and open new businesses), and now it is one of the hot spots of the city, frequented by both locals and tourists.
The Bom Jesus Street area is lined with bars, restaurants and night clubs; at this same street, visit the first sinagogue of Americas, built during the Dutch domination (1637-1644). Photos below were taken on an early Sunday, when businesses were still closed; the place gets much busier by night.

Also in Recife Antigo, visit the Marco Zero (Ground Zero) of Recife: the bronze signs (first photo to the left) reads: "From this point, all the distances in Pernambuco are measured". In the square around the Marco, people meet for festivities (carnival, elections, football, etc); the pictures below, taken from the Marco Zero square, show buildings from the area, a mixture of old and new.

Across the river from Marco Zero square, you can see the sculptures of the Sculptures Park; several boats are available to take you to the park. From the Park, it is possible to walk to the Lighthouse of Recife.

Also worthy a visit is the Torre Malakof; at some nights, the observatory is open to the public; during the day, there usually is some kind of artistic or cultural exposition.

Downton Recife

The city of Recife grew around the portuary zone (read more about the History of Recife); so, if you visit Recife Antigo by day, you will be at a walking distance from some of the oldest buildings of the city. Hover mouse over thumbs for a description.
River Capibaribe. Building in first plane is Federal Court (there is a panoramic restaurant at the top floor); in the background,  the City Hall bridge over River Capibaribe bridge over Capibaribe School of Laws, the first one in Brazil Palacio das Princesas, Government House
Pernambuco Parliament the gardens of Palacio das Princesas the gardens of Palacio das Princesas Pernambuco State Parliament Pernambuco State Court

Also in downtown, right in front of the School of Laws, there is a park called 13 de Maio; besides ample space for walking, there is a small zoo with monkeys, birds and macaws.

Catamaran tours

There are companies offering tours in catamarans. There are tours around the rivers and across the sea, from Recife to neighbour cities; also, there are daily and nightly tours. Visit Catamaran Tours for images and more information about the tour.